Nos complace compartir la emocionante historia de crecimiento y expansión de nuestra empresa en los últimos 16 años. Desde nuestros modestos comienzos hasta convertirnos en una organización próspera y reconocida en el mercado, hemos atravesado numerosos desafíos y hemos cosechado grandes logros en el camino.

Sixteen years ago, we started as a small company with a bold but clear vision. We provided innovative solutions to the market challenges and strived to deliver high-quality products and services. Our commitment and determination allowed us to establish ourselves and earn the trust of our customers.

Después de consolidar nuestra presencia en el mercado local, nos embarcamos en una fase de expansión estratégica. Identificamos nuevas oportunidades y ampliamos nuestro alcance a nivel regional y nacional. Al mismo tiempo, diversificamos nuestra cartera de productos para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes de nuestros clientes y adaptarnos a las tendencias del mercado.

We are very excited to announce that we are tripling our storage capacity for refrigerated, frozen, and dry products, creating the opportunity to further increase our product portfolio, providing solutions such as maximizing production in our distribution centers and optimizing logistical operations. We are convinced that this is the beginning of a new era for Ethnix Group.

Reconocemos que nuestro éxito se basa en las más de 200 personas that are part of our organization. From the beginning, we have maintained our focus on development and teamwork. Our employees are our most valuable asset, and their dedication and passion have enabled us to achieve significant milestones and exceed our client’s expectations.